Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Name Game

I am a Man of Many Names

I've started to get quite a few emails asking why I am using two different names on my Blogs and Social Media... 

In the Introduction to his brilliant Gates of the Necronomicon, Simon (his Necronomicon associated name) has this to say about the alternate (Magickal) names we take on in our pursuits ...
  • "At certain levels or stages of initiation the data is exextralingual anyway, beyond verbal description, and cannot be betrayed or revealed no matter how intense the desire. 
    "Basically, the data received from such journeys may be published, discussed, or otherwise disseminated if that is the consent of the secret society concerned; however, the identities of the individual members who have undertaken these “subversive” acts should be protected at all costs.*

    "Hence, the need for aliases and “Order names”: names taken by the individual members reflective of their “secret” identities and/or goals."

I contend that this protection can extend to the one publicly discussing & publishing on occult topics - Simon and myself included.

In the Catholic Church, most initiates take on the name of a Patron Saint when confirmed.

In Vedic ("hindu") Religious practices, an initiate is often given a devotional name - usually referring to one God or another.  

At one time I was a Vaishnava (what most folks call "Hare Krishnas").  In that capacity, I was given the devotte-name "Damoodara dasa" - which translates as "Servant of Krishna."  I am no longer affiliated with that religion, and long ago dropped using that name.

My friends are aware that I am a man of many names.  These have never been for unlawful purposes ... they help me keep certain periods of times in my life and/or are designations informing my Religio/Socio-Magickal Religion & practices.

There are many facets to my Magickal career.

These aspects naturally divide into two "clusters"... I am both a "Voodou Bokor (Sorcerer)" and a "Western Sorcerer."

While many schools of both systems require one's Magickal/Voodou names be kept secret,  I was never so-instructed, leaving the choice of such secrecy entirely up to me.

So, aside from my legal name, I use two other separate and distinct names:  in relation to my Voodou practices I am Dieudonne Bokor and connecting with my Western Magicks, I am Merlin Emrys.  

Dieudonne Bokor was given to me by my Most Beloved, Jean Baptist Bokor.  Merlin Emrys was chosen by me in honor of the mythic Merlin the Magician from the Camelot mythos. 

Bette Midler used to sing, "Two heads are better than one..." I guess I'm proof of that Truth.

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