Sunday, October 20, 2019

Talking To The Dead

~ Talking To The Dead ~

- Conversations with my Ancestors -

One of the things I love most about Voodou, is having the means to experience a abiding relationships with the Ancestors.

When I first encountered Ancestral veneration, I felt a little left out.  I was adopted, from birth, have only been aware of my birth mother's maiden last name.  Not a lot to go on...

But Mambo Joleen Jackson, my teacher in New Orleans Voudou, was expertly supportive in this pursuit, first by telling me to accept those Ancestors of whom I was aware, in my adoptive and "extended" family.  "Love is thicker than blood," she said.

So I started with my Mom and Dad, and my grandmothers, both of whom I knew as a kid.

Going through old family photos, I found a picture of my Dad's father, and I know his name was the same as Dad's.

And I added those in my extended family who have passed as well.  They, too, are my ancestors.

This was helpful in initially putting together my Ancestor's Altar.  Their pictures, along with two small frames with the names of my Mom's father and my Little Mother's maiden last name, a candle and cup of water were a good beginning.

Example of an Ancestral Altar
(not mine) 

There, I spent and continue to spend some time (usually about 30 minutes, average) just talking to these "deceased") family members.

- The Truth Behind The Beyond -

As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote, no one who ever dies is ever really dead.  They've just taken a leap into another, hopefully happy, realm of existence, where their Eternity continues anew.

"Hopefully happy" because from what I've learned in talking to folks who have died and been resuscitated as well as my spiritual teachers both incarnate and discarnate, how we are who we are in this lifetime determines how and what we experience in the next leg of our immortal journey.

While we can't ordinarily see our ancestors, they can see us.  And many of them take great interest in us and our lives.  And we can receive their love, wisdom and substantial help.

Sincere, loving interest is what we bring to any valuable relationship, including those with our Ancestors.

Mom smoked and loved fruit breads, so I offer her cigarettes and banana, orange and other such treats .  Dad enjoyed the newspaper crosswords and enjoyed his limit of one beer a day, so I offer him the day's crossword and a beer.

And so on ...

And I talk to - and listen to - my Beloveds every day, sometimes even using my Talking (Ouija-type) Boards.

Somehow my Hasko Mystic Board has become solely reserved for conversations with Grandma Burton - my Dad's mother.

My Fuld-style Ouija Board seems to be favored by most others in my Ancestral family.
(This excellent reproduction was made by Ebay seller "revdangerfield")

Of course, not every day's time with my Beloveds  includes a Talking Board. Most of the time it's simply love connections, tho' I do let the Ancestors know what's going on in my little life, and ask help I need.

Further, in every Vodou Seremoni and Magickal Work I do, I always first call upon my Ancestors, before asking Papa Legba to open the Gate to/for the Lwa.

You see, without our Ancestors present, none of the Voodou Spirits will be present either.

Yet, that's not the foremost concern for me.  The essential reason I include my Ancestors in my days and my work is that I am grateful for, and to them.  They fill my life with liberating loving Light.

Bondye Ou,
Dieudonne Bokor

Copyright © 2020, Dieudonne Bokor (aka W.A. Ryan)

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