I love delving into the Sacred Heart
of The Divine
I define Divination as "The scientific art of seeking knowledge of the unknown by supernatural means. "
Divination includes but is certainly not limited to "fortune telling".
For me, it is an awesome way of conversing with the wonderous Heart and Mind of the Spirit of Knowing that resides in outer dimensions of Being.
There are many Ways & Means of Divination: Cartography, Sortilege, Scrying, Trance-Consciousness, etc.
My favorite process is by Cartography - particularly Tarot, and sometimes Lenormand.
Having studied and read Tarot for over 50 yeas, my favorite deck remains the Thoth Tarot Deck (and Book) conceived by Master Therion Aleister Crowley and brilliantly painted by Lady Frieda Harris under his sometimes pitiless direction.
Thoth Tarot is incredibly rich in symbolism with numerous images on most cards, that can appeal to the subconscious, where intuition dwells. Thus it can play the part of Future-Teller, Counselor, Advisor, Journey-Companion, even the Conduit for connecting with our Ancestors.
My Go-To Deck for Voodou-centric Pathwork and Readings is the New Orleans Voodoo Tarot,
I highly recommend this Deck and Book as an extraordinary introduction to Voudou, including a pinch of Santeria and her Orishas.
A newly published book and deck integrating the traditional structure of Tarot with the Orisha and precepts of Santeria is the Orisha Tarot by Andrew McGregor.
I really enjoy this excellent introduction to Santeria and her Saints, and appreciate Andrew's unique "take" on Tarot as well.
Lenormand - which I also sometimes enjoy using, is essentially intended for simple Fortune Telling.
For detailed and explicit Fortune Telling,
I enjoy using Le Grand Jeu Lenormand deck.
Gifted with the Ability to See, Scrying - using an Obsidian "Magick Mirror" - is another favorite process for obtaining living images revealing the What/Where/When & How of situations and circumstances.
OK, I admit it - it's really just a
Magickal way of Spying ;^D
I also occasionally like the Sortilege method of Geomancy - wherein four sticks, marked with a single dot on one side and two dots on the other, are thrown several times, resulting in various symbolic formations.
It may seen to be a very simple process, but in reality it's far more complicated - and thus satisfying - than superficial appearences.
Until I came fully into Voodou, I was pretty cynical about Trance-Consciousness.
Having long-past training in, and performing the stage magic of Mentalism - I caught nearly all Trance- and Psychic- "Mediums" I'd encountered resorting to trickery - especially "Cold Reading".
It was working with Jean Baptist and the expanding of my knowledge and practice of Vodou that I've come to understand and trust the Possesson-Trance Experience as a valuable process for connecting with the Lwa, who patiently wait for our attention and requests for their help.
"General" Trance Consciousness is is pretty easy and safely learned by anyone drawn to that pursuit.
I can't reveal the process of opening to the Possession-Trance experience - it's one of the things about which I've vowed to keep silent ... except to say it always begins with asking the Lwa, Papa Legba, to Open the Gate to the watery Spirit Realm, where the Lwa reside.
In Spell-Work, and especially for Serving the Lwa properly, I believe Divination is absolutely essential.
This, I (and many others) have learned the hard way, too often getting inconsistent - sometimes even opposite - results without the proper understanding and planning afforded by Divination.
Divination gives the necessary input from Spirit and the Lwa that can organize, magnify and stabilize the Voodou Spells I lay and Service I give.
Divination ...
It's good for your Soul
Beni Ou,
Dieudonne Bokor
Copyright © 2019, Dieudonne Bokor (aka W.A. Ryan)