Who can serve the Lwa?
Simbi from New Orleans Voodoo Tarot
Sally Ann Glassman, Artist
Sally Ann Glassman, Artist
Anyone can serve the Lwa. One needn't take Voodou Kanzo to be an authentic Sevite. In fact, you already are one - whether you know it or not.
There are three essential requirements for successful service: Utter Love, Absolute Respect, and Cleanliness.
Service without Utter Love and Absolute Respect is nothing more than idolatry - an impotent role playing pursuit of no value.
Service without Cleanliness of Self (psychically & physically), Space & Offering is disrespectful, and leaves open a window through which undesirable, even malicious entities can enter and attach themselves - turning a potentially beautiful offering into nothing more than excrement.
There are numerous websites and books affording the Seeker authentic information about the New Orleans Voudou Lwa, their personalities, helping powers, and personal tastes.
So, while the entirely of Voodou cannot be learned from books - but by instruction and experience - there are some really good books with which to begin and expand your journey. My confident recommendations are...
So, while the entirely of Voodou cannot be learned from books - but by instruction and experience - there are some really good books with which to begin and expand your journey. My confident recommendations are...
The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot. The book is chock-full of accurate information on the "American" Lwa - and the provocative images painted by Mambo Sally Ann Glassman can be instrumental for knowing the Lwa, and how to serve them properly.
Mambo Sally Ann has also provided us with another book, Voodoo Visions, adding her beautiful personal voice to the mix.
Also, a fine book filled with authentic information about the Lwa and spellwork of New Orleans Creole Voudou is Rev. Mother Denise Alvarado's Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook.
Also, a fine book filled with authentic information about the Lwa and spellwork of New Orleans Creole Voudou is Rev. Mother Denise Alvarado's Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook.
Now, Haitian Vodou is highly complicated, with stringent (though regionally varied) personal and ritual Standards. There are many books on the topic but for the most part, secrecy is the norm - so practical/procedural information is generally limited.
A popular, delightful, purely anecdotal book is Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown.
Two superlative sources for truly understanding Haitian Vodou are ...
Mambo Chita Tann's Haitian Vodou: An Introduction to Haiti's Indigenous Spiritual Tradition.
Both authors are highly experienced, and a careful reading of their fine books will give you a good idea if Haitian Vodou is a Path for you.
Two superlative sources for truly understanding Haitian Vodou are ...
Mambo Chita Tann's Haitian Vodou: An Introduction to Haiti's Indigenous Spiritual Tradition.
- and -
The Haitian Vodou Handbook: Protocols For Riding With The Loa by Houngan Kenaz Filan. Both authors are highly experienced, and a careful reading of their fine books will give you a good idea if Haitian Vodou is a Path for you.
Receiving a Lav Tet (ritual "head washing") can also be helpful. It clears your head, and opens you to connect more deeply with the Lwa - and in a few Socyetes, considered a first initiation.
Met Tet Card, New Orleans Voodoo Tarot
Sally Ann Glassman, Artist
While not necessary - and, in fact, pursued infrequently in American Voudou but more frequently in Haitian Vodou - taking Kanzo (initiation) opens-wide the doors to inter-connecting with the Lwa, while also stabilizing the experience of possible Possession.
Please note: I serve the Lwa as a Bokor, an independent Voodou Sorcerer - I do not offer Kanzo, nor will I do so in the future.
While much less so in American Voudou, the "trembling and fear" inherent in traditional Haitian Vodou has been enormous.
Only with the introduction of Western participants training into Haitian Vodou has this become reduced in approach, activities and the demands of Leaders.
Yet a number Voudou Queens & Kings as well as many Haitian Mambos, Houngans and Bokors still focus acutely on the more volatile aspects of the Lwas' personalities. This is a way of coersing folks into trusting in their (often prohibitively expensive) products, powers and talents only. So it is increasingly becoming a matter of financial competition rather than authentic religious service.
In a sense, yes. A measure of reasonable fear - caution, actually - is necessary when dealing with extra-human Spirits. Taking into account who and what they are, the Lwa deserve our genuine respect. Also, considering their super-human power, a little dose of fear isn't unreasonable.
But this caution requires no more than the same when driving a car or crossing the street. And more folks are harmed by driving and crossing streets than by participation in Voodou ... our relations with the Lwa are naturally imbued with joyful love - and a close sense of "family."
In terms of personality types, there are "hot" and "cool" Lwa. The "hot" Lwa are more easily offended and angered, while the "cool" Lwas' natures are more relaxed and forgiving of the immanent little mistakes we make in honoring them.
This isn't permission to get too "familiar" (read: "sloppy") when serving the Lwa. But attempting to serve with authentic love and respect will often ameliorate unintentional mistake.
Only with the introduction of Western participants training into Haitian Vodou has this become reduced in approach, activities and the demands of Leaders.
Yet a number Voudou Queens & Kings as well as many Haitian Mambos, Houngans and Bokors still focus acutely on the more volatile aspects of the Lwas' personalities. This is a way of coersing folks into trusting in their (often prohibitively expensive) products, powers and talents only. So it is increasingly becoming a matter of financial competition rather than authentic religious service.
So, is Fear Reasonable?
In a sense, yes. A measure of reasonable fear - caution, actually - is necessary when dealing with extra-human Spirits. Taking into account who and what they are, the Lwa deserve our genuine respect. Also, considering their super-human power, a little dose of fear isn't unreasonable.
But this caution requires no more than the same when driving a car or crossing the street. And more folks are harmed by driving and crossing streets than by participation in Voodou ... our relations with the Lwa are naturally imbued with joyful love - and a close sense of "family."
In terms of personality types, there are "hot" and "cool" Lwa. The "hot" Lwa are more easily offended and angered, while the "cool" Lwas' natures are more relaxed and forgiving of the immanent little mistakes we make in honoring them.
This isn't permission to get too "familiar" (read: "sloppy") when serving the Lwa. But attempting to serve with authentic love and respect will often ameliorate unintentional mistake.
Now, about Possession...
Possession Card, New Orleans Voodoo Tarot
Sally Ann Glassman, Artist
Sally Ann Glassman, Artist
I define Possession as the "temporary replacement of the Ti Bon Anj (The living Spiritual Energetic structure constituting the intellect, personality, character, will power - therefore: consciousness - of a person) by a Lwa, usually during Voodou Ritual Situations"...
The most important idea being
"during Voodou Ritual Situations"
"during Voodou Ritual Situations"
Inviting Full Possession without expert, attentive, immediately available assistance can result in dangerous, even catastrophic circumstances.
This is an aspect of Voodou where some healthy "fear and trembling" (not paranoia, however) are entirely appropriate.
Possession is not a "Solitary" practice.
You cannot safely invite Full Possession when alone! You just might get run over by a Lwa's "Energy Bus"!
Some folks are wired - often trained and experienced - to be safely receptive to something less than Full Possession. Many who do Voodou-centric Divinatory Readings find the ability very helpful. But this requires some knowledge as well as preparation.
Possession is not a "Solitary" practice.
You cannot safely invite Full Possession when alone! You just might get run over by a Lwa's "Energy Bus"!
Some folks are wired - often trained and experienced - to be safely receptive to something less than Full Possession. Many who do Voodou-centric Divinatory Readings find the ability very helpful. But this requires some knowledge as well as preparation.
Generalized Trance states (like those in which some Christians "speak in tongues" and the lighter stages of hypnosis) are inherently safer than the state of Possession.
- When I was a teenager, we played "Pass Out" - in which we'd hyperventilate, then forcefully hold our breath.
The intense numbness and experience of total-body-wavering vibration just before unconsciousness is exactly like the first moments of Possession. Which is why many videos of Possession show the suddenly tipsy "Horse" (the Voodouisant being Possessed) apparently desperately trying to escape the Lwa taking Possesssion!
Full Possession often results in the absolute overtaking of the consciousness of the practitioner by the possessing Lwa. So while the Lwa are essentially benific, one's body & mind can be put at risk, due to their enacting of supernatural Strengths and Abilities.
In the Ritual circumstances, such potential harm is exponentially lessened, due to the attentive presence of trained & empowered Queens, Kings, Mambos and/or Houngans/Bokors, as well as the extended rites of traditional prayers, drum rhythms, songs & dances enacted during a Serimoni for some time before Possession is invited and expected.
Now, Possession - as a topic and as an experience - is multi-faceted ... which makes it difficult to explore deeply in a blog commentary.
But there is a most excellent book that explores Possession quite well ...
Now, Possession - as a topic and as an experience - is multi-faceted ... which makes it difficult to explore deeply in a blog commentary.
But there is a most excellent book that explores Possession quite well ...
Drawing Down the Spirits: The Traditions and Techniques of Spirit Possession by Houngan Kenaz Filan & Raven Kaldera is the go-to book an all types and facets of Possession.
And as I've indicated above, there are lighter levels of Possession - even being limited to only specifically-intended parts of the body, such as the hands, as described and recommended for mixing the cards, in the New Orleans Tarot book.
It is my experienced opinion that working with a Talking Board is more a matter of localized Possession of the hands, rather then an entity dragging the Planchette across the Board.
Even these localized states of Possession are probably best when at least initially explored under trustworthy personal guidance.
Even these localized states of Possession are probably best when at least initially explored under trustworthy personal guidance.
An essential factor of which one must be aware is that entering the full Possession Trance without immediately-available assistance can also result in becoming controlled by some undesirable Entity.
Genuine Queens, Kings, Mambos and Houngans are well-trained in the scientific art of forcing diabolic Entities to leave the person and Ritual Space. Therefore, their presence in all Possession circumstances is absolutely essential.
Genuine Queens, Kings, Mambos and Houngans are well-trained in the scientific art of forcing diabolic Entities to leave the person and Ritual Space. Therefore, their presence in all Possession circumstances is absolutely essential.
If you believe you might have had an authentic spontaneous Possession experience, you most likely didn't. In most cases Possession is an undeniably, overwhelmingly intense experience. Those who are well-trained experts can corroborate the validity of a Possession by certain specific signs and symptoms.
Therefore, it would be most wise to seek the counsel of a trustworthy Queen, King, Mambo, Houngan or friendly Bokor, who can discern the truth by-way of asking a few specific questions and/or performing a Divination.
Bottom-line: Internet venues (Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, etc) are innately unreliable sources of information about Possession, or for finding such authentic expert Guidance.
Therefore, it would be most wise to seek the counsel of a trustworthy Queen, King, Mambo, Houngan or friendly Bokor, who can discern the truth by-way of asking a few specific questions and/or performing a Divination.
Bottom-line: Internet venues (Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, etc) are innately unreliable sources of information about Possession, or for finding such authentic expert Guidance.
- NOTE: I do not serve the Lwa by assessing or training anyone in Possession, nor will I recommend anyone who does (so don't ask, please and thanks).
If you're considering joining the increasing number of numbskulls who relish the idea of impressing and/or lording-it-over on others by pretended Possession, get that idea out of your head ... Now!
Decades ago, a television commercial for Chiffon Margarine featured actress Dena Dietrich playing Mother nature. The slogan was "It isn't nice to fool Mother Nature!"
Well, slightly revised, that slogan can be applied to intentionally false Possession: "It isn't nice to fool with the Lwa."
There are several possible reactions such a Pretender can experience: Genuine Spontaneous Possession (scarier than you can imagine when not expected, or observed beforehand); the wrath of an offended Lwa (resulting in severe psychic/mental disturbances including psychosis, as well as physical harms); the circumstantial exposure of said fakester, resulting in loss of reputation, etc.
Possession is not a necessary function in serving the Lwa. It is an unearned honor, instigated by the Lwa when they choose to bless us with their temporary substantial presence.
There are several possible reactions such a Pretender can experience: Genuine Spontaneous Possession (scarier than you can imagine when not expected, or observed beforehand); the wrath of an offended Lwa (resulting in severe psychic/mental disturbances including psychosis, as well as physical harms); the circumstantial exposure of said fakester, resulting in loss of reputation, etc.
Possession is not a necessary function in serving the Lwa. It is an unearned honor, instigated by the Lwa when they choose to bless us with their temporary substantial presence.
Finally, praying to the Lwa for their guidance and help is always the best thing you can do in everything, including exploring the many facets of Voodou.
Beni Ou,
Dieudonne Bokor
Copyright © 2019, Dieudonne Bokor (aka W.A. Ryan)